2 min readMar 5, 2020


Because long before nations and before we knew time as days minutes seconds long before we counted ourselves or even knew how many of us there were to count long before we wrote anything down long before we knew how to hate people we never even met long before we broke open Our Mother Earth and took the metal from her belly and made it into guns and bullets and sent our children to kill other people’s children before we learned to compromise our most holy and sacred values for scraps of paper and shiny stones before Men wrote Books and Other Men used those Books to control Other Men probably before the word Hate even existed men had learned to oppress women and I know I know I know I know I know in my bones I know I can see it in the spirals of smoke in the sky as our forests burn and I can see it in lonely polar bears wandering over fields bare of ice and I can see it I can see it in your fire in your passion in your burning hearts in your desire for his woman to be President because even though I spit on the symbol of President and why the fuck would anyone want to be President and we shouldn’t even have Presidents but I can see what it would mean for a woman to finally be at the top it would mean perhaps we had finally as a people realized what a fucking huge terrible terrifying mistake we men have made for millennia by trying to chain what can not be chained by trying to contain a power that is literally our origin by trying to force a bird to sing what were we doing what was the point of the whole thing what were we even trying to do


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